Hello, my name is Claire, I am the owner/designer of Glam Fit Bikinis (GFB). I launched GFB in January 2014 and it has been busy ever since. Here’s little history on myself…
- I am 27, born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia
- I have always been a creative person and I get bored easily, so I must constantly keep myself occupied. Whether it be work, gym or bedazzling, I must keep my hand moving. If not I feel like I’m wasting time.
- I studied Fashion Design for 3 years after graduating high school.
- I have owned and operated my own bridal dressmaking shop form Adelaide, South Australia for about 6 years.
- I have competed in 3 fitness model competitions. My highest placing’s have been 5th in Fitness Open at INBA SA and 6th in Bikini at FitX IFBB Melbourne
It all started when I decided to compete in my first fitness competition. I set myself a big challenge, go interstate, get on a massive stage and do it wearing a bikini. I had never been on stage, let alone half naked. I knew I wouldn't have the best body but I would have the best bikini! After hours at my bridal shop I began to make bikini, after bikini, after bikini until I got it right.
I promoted my product though Instagram. If you’re not following us, you should @glamfitbikins. A hash-tag here and there, the followers came and so did the orders to my surprise. It wasn’t long before a lot of competitors in Adelaide were wearing one of my bedazzled creations on stage. It was busy both in bride and bikini land. That’s where my mum aka @glamfit_mama comes into it. She gave up her other job painting children’s décor to start making bikinis.

We have never looked back. It has been a busy, rocky and exciting ride. I would have never imagined in a million years that I would be doing this. I have taken my eye for detail, which I learnt though wedding dresses in to the bikini world.
Watch this space, GFB is my baby and I will nurture and grow it in to something incredible. Of course this wouldn't have been possible without the support of my followers. Thank you for your support and helping create my vision.