During my first prep I worked with an amazing woman named Aleks. Aleks was a previous colleague who I ended up employing when I opened my own bridal shop. Aleks was a creative world traveller, fitness junkie and ended up being one of my closest friends, but at the time, she was just another girl in prep.
We always talk about why prep can be hard to understand from the "outside" (aka haters) but let's get a little deeper on why it can be hard from the INSIDE. Your inner voices can be a real bitch. You know, that one that says"dude. You have no muscle."or "eh, you can skip that last set..." or my personal favorite "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"
We all have different voices that say different things, but the result is usually the same. DOUBT. Doubt that we will be lean enough, that we'll place how we want, that we have what it takes... it's all doubt.
Having someone on the OUTSIDE to help tell the INSIDE voices to SHUT UP is ridiculously valuable.
For me... that person was (is) Aleks. AKA my ‘Comp Sista. After clicking pretty much immediately... you know, one of those people you meet and within 2 minutes are like "uh, can we be besties?!” Anyways, Aleks and I were both first time competitors. As we’re both newbies she became the person always at the top of my text message history. I turned to her for pretty much everything... Should I shave or wax my lady parts before a show? Why is pooping/periods such a thing during prep? Do I have enough muscle? Yep, that was the most common question. Do I have enough muscle? Sometimes you just need to say totally ridiculous things to get them out. Then you can have that Comp Sista who can agree that her inner voices are saying the same sh*t, but in the same breath give you a stern reminder that it's just that. Sh*t.
5 competitions later, with different coaches, and now a baby each... my one constant has been Aleks. Whether she's doing a show with me or pregnant with me, she's always the one I reach out to when my inner voices start their typical rants. Her ability to talk straight keeps me on track and makes me BETTER with each problem I may face.
At the time I needed that person who really knew me... knew when I was freaking out and needed positive support, and knew when I was just being an idiot and needed a quick slap to come back to reality.
So, here's my advice. Find your Comp Sista.
Find your Aleks. Find your person who will keep reminding you of the strong person that you are. Prep may be an individual sport, but you absolutely do not have to go it alone.